In Ghana, malaria is still endemic in all 10 regions of the country. The recent Ghana Demographic and Health Survey showed that the prevalence of malaria in children aged 6 – 59 months is high.
Financial constraints now and in the foreseeable future serve as the greatest threat to maintaining malaria prevention. Funding trends by the public sector and donors are discouraging, leaving an annual funding gap of an estimated $2.6 billion dollars for malaria prevention from 2011 to 2020. Clearly, the need for advocacy to enhance domestic funding for malaria is a categorical imperative.
The Advocacy for Resources for Malaria Stoppage (ARMS) project was aimed at increasing local government funding for malaria activities, increasing diagnosis before treatment and reducing the number of malaria cases. The project implementation period occurred over one year, from July 2016 – June 2017.
View and download this special newsletter edition featuring information on the project.