• Head Office Address: Odotei Tsui Loop, adjacent Ghana Refugee Board, Dzorwulu, Accra East
  • (+233 (0) 303 971 433 / 303 971 435
  • Head Office Address; Odotei Tsui Loop, adjacent Ghana Refugee Board, Dzorwulu, Accra East
  • +233 (0) 303 971 433 / 303 971 435

Golden Line Project

Even as society seems to be making great strides in eliminating some forms of discrimination against women and girls; gender inequality continues to hold women back from their basic rights and opportunities. In Ghana, the trend is abundantly evident as their men counterparts are known to take advantage of economic activities brought about by mines and illegal mining activities known in local parlance as “galamsey”

Generally, women working in these mines have limited opportunities for economic and social development due to their responsibility to have and care for children. They are also unable to participate and benefit from mining and other economic activities due to the prevailing socio-cultural norms.

Beyond the mines, women’s opportunities to engage in economic activities and improve their status are affected by their limited access to health care, contraception, and sexual reproductive health and rights education.

HFFG’s work in providing equal opportunities

Empowering women economically requires addressing structural issues such as unfair social norms and attitudes. As local implementing partner of consortium of SIMAVI, Solidaridad and Healthy Entrepreneurs, HFFG is set out to improve opportunities for women living in and around Artisanal and Small  Scale Gold Mines (ASGM) in Ghana to enable them to engage in viable economic activities, get involved in decision making processes of their communities and assert their sexual reproductive health and rights.

The project, covering 15 communities selected from Tarkwa Nsuaem, Wassa Amenfi East, Prestea Huni Valley, and Ellembele municipalities/districts would be scaled to 23 communities by 2020.

Key Activities

  • Community interface meetings with duty bearers and right holders
  • Capacity needs assessment among women, girls, and men including gatekeepers on Sexual Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR), Violence Against Women (VAW) and women empowerment issues
  • Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) and Violence Against Women (VAW) sensitization workshop for men and other relevant groups in the community in order to solicit their commitment and support to the project.
  • Community sensitization on Ante-Natal and Child Welfare Clinic (CWC) skills delivery, Family Planning (FP), Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) including HIV, Safe sex and the right and consistent use of condoms.
  • Formation of Village Savings and Loans Associations (VSLAs)
  • Business skills training for VSLAs per community
  • Capacity building on advocacy, SRH, VAW and developing advocacy plans to engage policymakers at all levels.
  • Formation of Mother Support Groups and Daddy’s Clubs to support project implementation and sustainability.
  • Formation of Women Watchers and Women Friends.
  • Development of advocacy materials on VAW, SRHR, Menstrual hygiene and women empowerment.